All Access Available Titles
Below is a list of the titles currently available to All Access subscribers, with exclusive content highlighted in red. This is for reference only; subscribers will receive a link granting access to the streaming files.
AUDIO TITLES (numerical prefixes are for reference only; gaps in sequence are irrelevant)
01 - The Dickens Nobody Knows
02 - Dickens: The Second Edition
03 - Dickens: The Third Edition
04 - A Dickens of a Christmas
05 - Dickens & Christmas: A New Tune for an Old Carol
06 - Dickens for Kids
07 - The Pickwick Papers
08 - How William Became Shakespeare
09 - Shakespeare Act II
10 - Shakespearean Comedy
11 - A Light History of English Language
12 - The Brilliant and Bizarre Brontës
13 - Emily Dickinson
14 - Scarlett Fever: Greatness of Gone With The Wind
15 - George Eliot
16 - Queen Victoria & Victorian Novel
17 - The Brilliance of Jane Austen
18 - Robert & Elizabeth Barrett Browning
19 - Romantic Imagination: Wordsworth & Byron
20 - The Genius of Mark Twain
21 - The Tortured Genius of Edgar Allan Poe
22 - The Wit of Oscar Wilde
23 - Thomas Hardy
24 - Anthony Trollope
25 - William Makepeace Thackeray
26 - Children’s Literature & Lewis Carroll
27 - The Cold Genius of Robert Frost
28 - Importance of Being Ernest Hemingway
29 - Robert Louis Stevenson
30 - Detecting Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
31 - Sir Walter Scott
32 - The Inimitable Winston Churchill
33 - Discovering Columbus
34 - The Mystery of Robert E. Lee
35 - Sir Walter Raleigh - Renaissance Man
36 - The Mystery of Humor
37 - Geoffrey Chaucer
38 - Eighteenth-Century Wit
39 - Masters of Mirth
40 - For Better or Verse: Comic Poetry
41 - Comic Spirit in Southern Literature
42 - Season’s Greetings: Christmas Literature
43 - Glories of Short Stories: Welty & Faulkner
44 - Glories of Short Stories 2: Updike and Shaw
45 - Rise & Fall of F. Scott Fitzgerald
47 - The Unexplored Dickens
48 - Mark Twain for Students
50 - The Splendor of Irish Literature
52 - E.B. White and the Essay
53 - The Puzzling D.H. Lawrence
54 - The Many Influences of T.S. Eliot
55 - The Wizardry of Oz: L. Frank Baum
56 - The Genius of James Joyce & W.B. Yeats
57 - A Novel Look at the Novel
58 - The Dramatic Life of Anton Chekhov
59 - Defining Dr. Samuel Johnson
60 - The Incredible Influence of the Hapsburg Empire
61 - The Far East: A Forgotten World Literature
62 - Ancient Egypt’s Poetry and the Song of Solomon
63 - Ancient Greece, Homer, and the Odyssey
64 - Spain’s Cervantes & Don Quixote
65 - France’s Voltaire - World Genius
66 - The Czech Republic’s Franz Kafka
67 - Russia’s Dostoevsky
68 - Dickens as Tourist
69 - Holland’s Extraordinary Erasmus
70 - The History and Mystery of Wine
71 - King Arthur
72 - The Journey of Money
73 - Italy: Past, Present, and Food
74 - Leonardo da Vinci
75 - Nathaniel Hawthorne
76 - A Potpourri of Popery
77 - Strauss Father and Son: The Waltz Kings
78 - Ponce de Leon
79 - Robert Burns
80 - George Bernard Shaw
81 - Marvels of the Middle Ages
82 - Eleanor of Aquitaine
83 - Courtly Love & The Sonnet
84 - Pilgrims in Chaucer and Bunyan
85 - St Francis of Assisi
86 - Dante and the Inferno
87 - The Lives and Wives of Henry VIII
88 - O.Henry
89 - Rudyard Kipling
90 - The Curious Case of James Michener
91 - Frank Lloyd Wright
92 - Blackbeard!
93 - The Woeful and Wondrous World of Van Gogh
94 - Joan of Arc
95 - Cecil Rhodes: Master & Monster of South Africa
96 - Franz Liszt: The First Virtuoso
97 - The Tale of Beatrix Potter
98 - The Bible and Literature
99 - The Vanderbilts: All of Them
100 - The Wright Brothers
101 - Flannery O’Connor
102 - King Cotton: World’s Most Fascinating Fabric
103 - The Potomac River
104 - A Long Look at the Short Story 1: The Piano Teacher by William Trevor
105 - A Long Look at the Short Story 2: The Signalman by Charles Dickens
106 - Andy Griffith, Master of Mayberry
107 - Pierre Charles L’Enfant: The Man Who Invented Washington DC
108 - What Is A Canadian?
109 - Daphne du Maurier
110 - Catching JD Salinger (author of Catcher In The Rye)
111 - Thomas Wolfe (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
112 - The Majesty and Mystery of Mountains (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
113 - Elliot’s History of Georgia (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
VIDEO TITLES (numerical prefixes are for reference only; gaps in sequence are irrelevant)
03: Charles Dickens
04: Edgar Allan Poe
05: William Shakespeare
06: Mark Twain
07: The Mystery of Robert E. Lee
09: Winston Churchill
10: The Greatness of Gone With the Wind
11: A Light History of the English Language
12: A Dickens of a Christmas
15: Mark Twain For Students
16: Charles Dickens, Tonight!
17: The Brilliant and Bizarre Brontes
18: The Night Before Christmas Carol
19: O.Henry: His Surprise Endings & Beginnings
20: The History and Mystery of Wine
21: Queen Victoria and the Victorian Novel
Elliot interview on PBS NC People with Bill Friday - circa 1982 (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
The Best Is Yet To Be - written by Professor Engel, starring Quinn Hawkesworth (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
Elliot Is Funny In Washington DC (video clip from DC conference) (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
Elliot Gargles To The Tune of Born Free (audio clip) (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
The Best Storyteller Ever (audio - Elliot as the featured guest on The Cultural Scavenger podcast in April 2021) (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
OUR STATE SPONSORED VIDEO SERIES from 2020-2021 - beautifully produced video lectures delivered, recorded and broadcast during the Covid shutdown
Dickens and Christmas: A New Tune for an Old Carol (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
The Journey of Money (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
The Vanderbilts - All of Them (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
SHELF IMPROVEMENT BOOK CLUB SERIES - multiple-part audio lecture series based on works of literature - recorded in 2020-2021 during the Covid shutdown
Catcher In The Rye, by JD Salinger (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
Long Day’s Journey Into Night, by Eugene O’Neill (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier (EXCLUSIVE TO ALL ACCESS)
VINTAGE AUDIO SEMINARS - multiple-part audio lecture series based on works of literature - recorded many years ago (quality is not optimal but content is as good as ever)
Seminar 3 - Wuthering Heights
Seminar 12 - Robert Louis Stephenenson's Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Seminar 13 - The Poetry of Robert Frost
Seminar 17 - King Arthur: The Arthurian Legend in British Literature