Washington DC For Guests Only
Guest Rooming List (click here to check hotel reservation details)
Note: When checking in at the Hyatt, give the front desk BOTH your name and confirmation number if possible, as there are a few guests with very similar names. Confirm your check-out date. You will need to give them a credit card for incidentals only.
Guest Dinner Choices (click here to see which entrees you chose)
Note: these choices have been sent to the chef. I would appreciate your not changing your choice unless it is not what you originally selected. For your privacy, I have left any special food requests off this list, but be assured they have been sent to the Hyatt kitchen. You will be given a ticket for each dinner indicating your entree choice and any special food needs. Please double check that any food allergies are listed when you receive your tickets.
The Grand Hyatt's lobby, great for relaxing and visiting